Call for Papers Geography Conference (Warwick)

This might be of interest to some, would especially be nice to see some artistic interventions!

Please consider submitting a paper for the next Warwick Graduate Conference in Political Geography, held at the University of Warwick on 19-20 May, 2016. We are looking forward to a great conference and would be delighted to count you in.  This year’s theme is: ‘’(Dis)Assembling State Spaces: Conceptualising New Geometries of Power’’ Our two keynotes speakers are: Leopold Lambert,; and Prof. Michael Woods, University of Aberystwyth Full details of the CFP and more are available at

All potential participants should submit a title, abstract (of no more than 450 words), and evidence of institutional affiliation by March 8th, 2016 to

Please note five travel grants of up to £100 each are available to support attendance; preference will be given to non-UK attendees. Potential grantees must submit a short text of no more than 500 words explaining their needs and motivations for this support. This should be done at the same time as submitting abstract to

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